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Season 2 Episode 2

Stop Following the Formula:
Why Your 'Wrong' Way Might Be Right


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 "Just follow this exact template and success is guaranteed!" Sound familiar? If you're drowning in business formulas, drowning in guru advice, and secretly wondering if YOU might be the problem - stop right there. This week's episode is your permission slip to break free from the cookie-cutter approach and find what actually works for YOU.


In this episode we get into:

💀 Why following business templates to the letter might be holding you back

💀 How Gail turned a "non-traditional" launch into her most successful one yet

💀 The truth about evolving your business strategy (and why what worked in 2021 might not work now)

💀 Breaking free from the guru-hopping cycle and finding your authentic approach

💀 Real talk about Instagram anxiety and choosing platforms that light you up 

Whether you're feeling stuck in someone else's business blueprint or craving permission to do things differently, this episode is your wake-up call to trust your instincts. Get ready to discover why your "wrong" way might just be the perfect way - for YOU and YOUR business!

 ➡️ You can view our top 10 reality checks, checklist by clicking here

Season 2 Episode 2

Stop Following the Formula:
Why Your 'Wrong' Way Might Be Right


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 "Just follow this exact template and success is guaranteed!" Sound familiar? If you're drowning in business formulas, drowning in guru advice, and secretly wondering if YOU might be the problem - stop right there. This week's episode is your permission slip to break free from the cookie-cutter approach and find what actually works for YOU.


In this episode we get into:

💀 Why following business templates to the letter might be holding you back

💀 How Gail turned a "non-traditional" launch into her most successful one yet

💀 The truth about evolving your business strategy (and why what worked in 2021 might not work now)

💀 Breaking free from the guru-hopping cycle and finding your authentic approach

💀 Real talk about Instagram anxiety and choosing platforms that light you up 

Whether you're feeling stuck in someone else's business blueprint or craving permission to do things differently, this episode is your wake-up call to trust your instincts. Get ready to discover why your "wrong" way might just be the perfect way - for YOU and YOUR business!

 ➡️ You can view our top 10 reality checks, checklist by clicking here

Season 2: Episode 2

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