#1Ā You have to have GRIT!

There is a big difference between being a business owner and an entrepreneur. Business owners are in the supply and demand business.Ā Entrepreneurs are in the problem solving business.

Falling, failing, getting back up, trying things over and over again in different ways, and relentlessly pursuing the path to success (despite the feelings of being confused, lost and in "in the mud" sometimes) are part and parcel of being an entrepreneur. You have to have thick skin and find ways to resource yourself to keep at it.


#2Ā Even though things happening quicklyĀ in the digital spaceĀ -Ā  growing an online business doesn't.

However long you think it will take to get to the picture you have in your mind - add on, then add on again and maybe then some.


#3Ā An online business takes as long to grow as an "in-real-life"Ā business does (sometimes even longer).

Having - and trying to sell to - an online audience comes with unique challenges you would not deal with in a real life, or in-person context.


#4Ā There is a HUGE differenceĀ between ā€œsellingā€ to a warm audience vs. a cold one.

If you have lots of clients in your "in person" work, or you have lots of past clients you've worked with online, trying to get in front of more eyes and sell your offer to a whole new audience (who do not know you or who have never worked with you before), you cannot automatically assume it is going to be successful or that people will want you have.


#5Ā There is NO hack, no secret ingredient.

Trying to find ways to shortcut the process will only cost you time, money and your mental health.


#6 Don't fall for the bling

Master marketers will make you believe anything is possibleĀ and often will skew the timeframe in which this is achievable. Never let your emotions run so high that your rational mind and thinking vacate. Ask good questions and have criticalĀ  ears and wide open eyes - always!


#7 You can't rush the process

There is a STEEP learning curve, and you need time toĀ get your head around new things (whether it be technology, platforms, strategies, the lingo or pulling it all together).


#8Ā You do not need any ā€œfancyā€ stuff to have a profitable business.

Don't fall into the trap of thinking your camera equipment, website or branding is the make-or-break factor. Focus first and foremost on growing, understanding and speaking to your audience, and making sure that you have an offer they actually need, want and will pay you for.


#9Ā Strategy first!

Know where you're going, why you'reĀ headed in that direction, and how you're going to get there. Even if it's just a loose plan. Be intentional and clear about what you're doing. Do notĀ  be the "hit-the-ground-running-blindly" person.


#10Ā Don't go it alone.

Look for coaches who are available and who are genuinely invested in you. Get into supportive communities and find the people who will tell you the truth.Ā 

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Meet Your Hosts


Hey, Iā€™m Candice,


Iā€™m what I would call a serial entrepreneur: my brain is constantly thinking of ā€œgreat ideasā€ and ways to help people. In my ā€œpast lifeā€ I was a clinical therapist, and I had my own private therapy practice for over a decade. Iā€™ve always been interested in understanding people: why they do the things they do, feel what they feel, and how their thoughts and unique way of putting the world together, influences the decisions they make in their life. This has helped me immensely in the work I do now, because at the end of the day, if we canā€™t speak to people in a way that moves them emotionally, or in a way that helps them reframe how they thinking about things, weā€™re going to struggle to sell our offers.


So much has changed for me in the 4 years that I have immersed myself in the online business space. When I first started off, I was so fresh and green behind the ears, that I fell hook line and sinker for the glitz and glamour that so many of the "success story people" dangle before you. The idea of having a business that I could scale and bring in money while I slept, was intoxicating. But I wisened up quickly when I realised that things donā€™t quite work the way you think they will - once you actually dive in.


Iā€™m all about transparency, saying it like it is and sharing what I have experienced first hand (and observed from working with all kinds of clients in all kind of niches). Iā€™ve now come back to what I know to be true for me: I love working closely with people, having connected relationships with my clients and working with them (doing whatever it takes) to help them succeed.


Hey, Iā€™m Gail,


In a stroke of what I can only call blind luck, as the pandemic shut down my 2 offline businesses I came across a ā€˜freeā€™ 5-day challenge and entered a sales funnel without even knowing what a funnel was! That ā€˜freeā€™ challenge cost me 10K šŸ¤£ and was the first online course I took that was not quite the right fit for meā€¦but it introduced me to the online world, something that would change my life forever!Ā 


4 years later, working in the online world has seen me do a few major pivots, download hundreds of lead magnets, and purchase 1000s of dollars worth of courses and programs. Itā€™s been an incredible journey, from the times when I was ready to throw it all in, to the thrill of my very first $5 purchase.


I think Iā€™ve made just about every online business mistake in the book! The dreams of 6 figure launches are elusive. You need every ounce of determination and grit to keep going.Ā  But when youā€™re in the flow, youā€™re helping your people and you can see their growth, itā€™s worth every bit of struggle. Because it's in those moments when everything clicks, when someone Iā€™ve helped achieves their goal, that it reminds me why I started this journey in the first place.

Visit Candice's Website
Visit Gail's Website

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